Johnny Hunt once said that the only time he ever gets headaches is
when he finds himself trying to fight today's battles with tomorrow's strengths.
God supplies all the strength we need to do all that he
has called us to do. He rations this strength much in
the same way he rationed manna to the children of Israel.
He provides sufficient strength each day
for the challenges of that day...and that day only.
This strength doesn't carry over until the next day.
You either use it or lose it.
God will not give you enough strength today for the
for the challenges and confrontations of tomorrow.
He deposits the strength in you precisely when you need it.
If you're stressed and overwhelmed today,
check your strength supply.
I'll bet you have enough to get you through today
and that's all you need for now.
NOTE: I took notes on sunday and felt the need to share it with yall.
amen oooooooooooo
thanks for sharing
Thanks for the word.for sharing your notes.
I will watch out ...especially for those days i get too exhausted, maybe I am using tomorow's.......
Bless you
A positive seed.
How're you doing?
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