Sunday, June 13, 2010

True Friends

It's almost like I forgot how to blog.
I really don't have much to share but I want to use this medium to thank God for coming through for me at all times. In the past few months, I have learned so much that I hope to apply the lessons to other areas of my life.

I apologize if I have not visited your blog lately. Please leave a comment and I will follow the link to your blog. So back to my tori

I have being one to say that true friends are the only ones that stand by you when you're in travails but that has changed unfortunately. I have come to realize that not everyone that stands by is sympathizing with you, they could be standing to mock you. They could be there to make matters worst by constantly reminding you of how bad your situation is. True friends are not just ones that stand by you through rough seasons, they are the ones that stand by you when you succeed. Rather than despise you, they rejoice sincerely and push you to strive harder at whatever it is that you are doing.

With that said, I thank God for the friends that I have and also hope that the ones that I am losing realize that life is one knows tomorrow. Be happy when you see other people doing good. That attitude might be all you need to skyrocket you to where you want to be.


Anonymous said...

am the first to comment?? wow. u have really been gone 4 a long time!

i don't know abt true friends, cos i expect everything to be transitional. we r friends today, tomorrow we may drift apart & find other friends. am fluid, i don't hold onto friends. don't know if daz a good thing sha

Myne said...

It has sure been a while though I try to update on the entertainment blog. How are you?

I agree with you, life is short and we really shouldn't begrudge ourselves or others the good things. All the best.